Photography classes at OddBox Studios, Downtown Fredericksburg

April 07, 2015  •  Leave a Comment

I mentioned in a previous blog  that I will be teaching a photography course on Wednesday nights beginning on April 15th and ending on May 6th.  The course will be focusing on the simple and practical methods I use in almost all of the wedding, event and portrait sessions I photograph.  The class is designed for people who have maybe had their camera for a while and just not become comfortable with it yet or have recently purchased one and are looking for ways out of the Auto or as I call it iPhone mode.  My goal is to empower the class to create photographs that are representative of their minds eye and help them demystify "complex"  camera settings and overcome the fear of taking control of at least a few of their DSLR's functions.  But don't worry... These classes are going to fun!!!!!  Below is a tentative list and description a few of the course outline topics, check it out!


Rich Creamy Bokeh (pronounced bo ka not bo kay!!!) - This section is designed to show you how to get that "blurry background" (or foreground) look in your photos.  It's so much easier than you think!  All you need to know is a little detail about the relationship of 3 components of creating bokeh.  Make your images stand out from the background and the crowd.  This is probably my favorite way to take photographs and one of my favorite things to teach and talk about.



Manual Labor - The purpose of this section will be to emphasize the importance of at least cracking open your instruction manual.  I know, I know, those things are incredibly boring and why would you take a class on photography if all you have to do is read a manual?  The reason is simple.  You just paid a few hundred, if not thousand dollars for your camera and it does a lot of cool stuff!  If you were happy with what you're getting out of your iPhone you would have just stuck with that, right?  The good news is we will be keeping this conversation mostly to the simple tweaks you need to make to the settings your camera is programmed with from the manufacturer.  



Like it?  Shoot it! - Composition is key.  Everyone has heard the expression location, location, location.  If you're going to have a successful storefront, location is everything.  Well, if you're going make a powerful, meaningful photograph, composition is everything!!!  I'll use some of my favorite images to explain the elements of what make them my favorites.  Subject positioning, background focus and other fundamental composition elements will be pointed out to help you understand the purposeful choices made to make a viewers eye never want to leave an image. the!?! - Sometimes you see the picture exactly how you think it should look in your head and then you look at the back of the camera... Where did that gorgeous image go?  Light is the most key component of photography and understanding it just a little bit better will go a super long way in getting your mind and viewfinder to match... or maybe resembling one another would suffice sometimes... Regardless of where you are as a photographer the closer you get to connecting the two will go incredibly far to drive you further in confidence and enable to create images you'll be dying to hang on your wall.  Combine this lesson with the information you'll get in the "Like it? Shoot it!" section and you'll be well on your way to awesome, artful images in no time.



Put Down the Pitchfork - Probably one of the most intimidating things about beginning to take peoples portraits is posing.  Most of the time I try and let people do what they would normally when no one is watching but sometimes it's our job to move a hand, place a foot or twist a hip.  The art of posing is a lot more simple than you might think and beautiful, natural looking positioning can be achieved easily when you know where to put stuff like hands, feet and hips.  I'll explain some key tips in this section so you can walk away feeling more confident; at least with posing your family the next time you talk them into being in front of your camera ;-)



These are just a few of the fun, practical and easy to understand topics we'll cover in my class, "Domo Arigato, I no longer shoot in Auto."  I look forward to meeting you and helping you get out of iPhone mode!   Space is limited to 15 people per class, register now!

All classes will be held at OddBox Studios from 7-9 p.m. on the following Wednesday nights

April 15

April 22

April 29

May 6 

For a full list of available classes click... here!

Directions to class are available... here!


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